Gabriel Castaño cebo de campo Iberian ham shoulder


Gabriel Castaño cebo de campo Iberian ham shoulder

Iberian naturally grazed ham (previously known as recebo, i.e., acorn, pasture and compound-fed ham) made with the same care and following a production process similar to that of acorn-fed ham.

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Gabriel Castaño cebo de campo Iberian ham shoulder

Iberian naturally grazed ham (previously known as recebo, i.e., acorn, pasture and compound-fed ham) made with the same care and following a production process similar to that of acorn-fed ham. This product is less exclusive than acorn-fed ham, since the pigs do not occupy the same space in the meadows, and the breeding and curing periods are different. However, it is also an Iberian pata negra ham. It is also made exclusively with salt and time. Without nitrifying agents. Obviously, gluten free and allergen free. Originating from Cumbres Mayores, undergoing a curing process of 24-30 months.

Additional information

Weight N/A

Piece 4,5 to 5 Kg, Piece 5 to 5,5 Kg, Piece 5,5 to 6 Kg, Piece 6 to 6,5 Kg, Piece 6,5 to 7 Kg


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