Lomo ibérico puro de bellota con pimienta
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Lomo ibérico puro de bellota con pimienta
El lomo ibérico puro de bellota con pimienta es el embutido por excelencia. Este producto, una de las piezas más nobles del cerdo ibérico, se adoba en frío con pimienta, ajo y sal. Se trasiega cada día para que el adobo penetre por igual en todas las piezas.
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Our suggestions
To accompany this great Ham we suggest…
Lomo ibérico puro de bellota con pimienta
El lomo ibérico puro de bellota con pimienta es el embutido por excelencia. Este producto, una de las piezas más nobles del cerdo ibérico, se adoba en frío con pimienta, ajo y sal. Se trasiega cada día para que el adobo penetre por igual en todas las piezas.
Se embucha a mano en tripa natural, que la aísla y hace que su proceso de maduración sea lento, consiguiendo un producto jugoso, veteado y de carne oscura, de sabor intenso y profundo. Las piezas de lomo terminan su maduración, de alrededor de cinco meses, en secaderos naturales.
El envasado en lata
Es un proceso en desuso comercial, pero confiere al producto –al madurar y terminar de curarse la pieza en su propio aroma– un sabor incomparable en intensidad, claridad, profundidad y persistencia con respecto a cualquier otro modo de conservación.
Procede de Cumbres Mayores, en el corazón de la serranía de Huelva. Del mismo modo, proviene de cerdos 100% ibéricos , y lo más importante, alimentados con bellota y hierba en las dehesas durante la montanera.
Lomo ibérico puro de bellota con pimienta
Es un embutido elaborado de forma completamente artesanal en Cumbres Mayores de una pieza muscular lumbar.Se caracteriza por tener un aroma potente y fragante, un color tenue granate y ceniza, y como resultado un suave sabor a pimentón con recuerdos de humo.
Se llenan a mano en tripa natural, que la aísla y hace que su proceso de maduración sea lento, procurando un producto jugoso, veteado y de carne oscura. Su sabor es intenso y muy profundo. Y el recuerdo es persistente. Este producto termina su maduración en secaderos y sótanos naturales, procurando una maduración lenta y respetuosa.
Sin aditivos, es un producto apto para celíacos y compatible con cualquier dieta.
Su maduración ocupa entre 4 a 6 meses. Se realiza en secaderos controlados en temperatura y humedad, para garantizar su correcta precipitación y la pérdida de agua necesaria para su maduración.
Maduran y se asientan en secaderos naturales donde adquiere el bouquet característico de la auténtica caña de lomo de bellota, elaborada artesanalmente.
Utilizamos partidas de cerdo ibérico 100% raza ibéricas. Se presenta la trazabilidad de los mismos desde marzo 2014.
Abrir una lata de lomo o de lomito es una experiencia sensorial única, el olor concentrado de un secadero natural lleno de lomos en curación.
En cuanto a su degustación, debido a la intensidad de su sabor, combina magníficamente con tintos de reserva, que mezclen sus taninos con la potencia gustativa de la bellota. Entre otras opciones, encajan muy bien los elaborados con uva Tempranillo. Por ejemplo este Rioja Reserva del 2014
Al corte ofrece una gran variedad de tonalidades grises-oscuras con presencia de grasa entreverada, proporcionando por tanto una explosión de untuosos sabores para el paladar.
Este magnífico embutido procede de animales que se alimentan en régimen de absoluta libertad, durante un promedio de 18 meses a dos años.
Lomo ibérico puro de bellota con pimienta
Ingredientes: Lomo de cerdo 100% ibérico, sal marina, ajo y pimienta.
Tripa natural 100%. Sin gluten ni alérgenos.
Whole pieces:
In the case of whole hams or shoulders, you receive the whole piece wrapped in waxed greaseproof paper, protective cloth cover and in box/case with handle, at no extra charge.
Knife-cut pieces:
We will send your knife-cut ham or shoulder in thin slices in 100 gram sachets and vacuum packed. It should be kept in the fridge. Although it should always be taken out at least one hour before consumption. Shelf life of 6 months from delivery.
Includes the cut bones, useful for making broth or stews.
Sausages and cheeses:
Any sausage or cheese, whether cut or in whole pieces, will be sent vacuum packed.
It should be kept in a cool, dry place. It is always advisable to temper before consumption. Shelf life depends on the product. Normally at least three months.
Wines and oils:
Both wines and oils should be sent properly protected.
Preserving unopened Iberian ham
If you have just brought home a piece of Iberian ham that you do not plan to open yet, it is important that you remove all the wrapping and hang it up, if possible in a cool, dry place, in order to preserve it.
In this way the ham can last for months without any problems.
Preserving Iberian ham once it has been opened
When we buy a leg of Iberian ham and we are going to start cutting it, it is important to save the layer and the first slices of fat that we will remove before cutting the ham itself.
Preserving whole cured meats
If you are one of those people who prefer to buy whole pieces of sausage such as salami, cured pork loin or chorizo, there are also ways in which we can help to keep these pieces in perfect condition.
The best way to preserve Iberian cured meats is to keep them hanging. The piece should be hung with the cut side down. To maintain its texture, cover the part that has already been cut with plastic film and secure it with a string or rubber band so that it is well sealed.
Preserving sliced sausages
The ideal way to preserve sliced cold meats with all their properties is to group all the slices together and stack them on top of each other, wrapping them in transparent film. They should also be spread out inside the envelope in which they were received. Once you have opened one of these sachets, you should consume it within a week.
More references in:
We guarantee the delivery between 24 and 48 HOURS following the one of the realization of the order in function of the peninsular destiny, except in the cases of requested pieces cut by hand, in which case it would be increased in 24 hours per piece or in purchases made on Saturdays , Sundays and holidays and as long as it is not done later than 12:00 pm. in which case the order will be processed on the first working day after the day of execution. In addition, it must be taken into account that the deadlines are computed on working days and that they can be altered by local or national holidays. Occasionally, it may happen that the carrier for reasons unrelated to our company delays the delivery of the requested goods. Please inform us to claim it as soon as possible. If you choose bank transfer, the order will not be sent as a payment method until we have a bank confirmation of the transfer.
Shipping costs
These expenses for Spain peninsular and Portugal will be free from 250 euros of purchase. For orders of lower amount the shipping cost will be € 8 including VAT.
Transit time between a minimum of 24 and a maximum of 72 hours.
Shipping to the European Union:
We deliver in 4-8 business days from Monday to Friday. Below we indicate the shipping costs for each country:
Germany, France: € 20
Free shipping from € 350 purchase
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic: € 25
Free shipping from € 400 purchase
Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovak Republic, Romania, Sweden: € 40
Free shipping from € 600 purchase
We work with UPS and Packlink Pro, two of the leading companies in the sector with a high quality service and delivery effectiveness.
www.jamonesibericosmadrid.com will not assume any responsibility for delay in the delivery of the orders when said delays are not directly attributable to www.jamonesibericosmadrid.com or in cases of force majeure, understood as such non-negligent events impossible to foresee or which, being foreseeable, are unavoidable.
The user must indicate the delivery address of the order, email and a telephone number, and if he wants it to be delivered to a specific person.